@Bralix well, I don't have any artistic skill, base/natural or learned. so when I see kids doing shit that's clearly good but just needs time to get really good, I'm gonna let them know. as you can see, the ones i'm actually jealous of are the 0-effort, 0-style, 0-risk god awful 3d porn creators. some of them put details and and shit... but they dont have to. they ALL have fucking patreons and shit and they dont deserve them. meanwhile you've got people working hard to make 10 frames of animation that they hand drew and nobody gives a fuck. I always would laugh at the coomer memes bc it's funny and obv it's a generalization. 99% of the people who ridicule the stereotype jack off themselves you know?
then you come here and realize the meme is not inaccurate when it comes to the extreme end of the spectrum.
sorry for ranting lol.
but yeah, I'm lifting up people that are actually good bc they deserve it. so many people don't bother typing out a review so if something decent gets blammed bc when they made should have been on the art portal. they're new they'll be like "wtf this place sucks" I try my best to make them understand since I want them and this website to do well.
When I came back to NG in June, I was right where you were on on the B/P Rank just about. all it takes is time
I have been living in the portal for the last couple weeks. I noticed as I got under 15k on the community rank it has gone down to the slow climb. But as I type I am sitting here in my NG shirt with my portal patrol larp on full blast. Soon I will be up there with the l33t if I channel my inner autismo hard enough hopefully. Also I have seen you around a lot and I am always happy to see you trying to boost peoples confidence and shit. I dont always have the energy for it myself so it makes me happy when I see others doing it.