Faster than I could even react I am already scout, at this rate Im already more powerful now than I ever was on my old account. I trudge through the hellish valley of judgement, I judge and the gods then judge me to be stronger. They worry I may go mad with power. I am not mad, in fact I am very comfortable. I pray only... for MORE
When I came back to NG in June, I was right where you were on on the B/P Rank just about. all it takes is time
I have been living in the portal for the last couple weeks. I noticed as I got under 15k on the community rank it has gone down to the slow climb. But as I type I am sitting here in my NG shirt with my portal patrol larp on full blast. Soon I will be up there with the l33t if I channel my inner autismo hard enough hopefully. Also I have seen you around a lot and I am always happy to see you trying to boost peoples confidence and shit. I dont always have the energy for it myself so it makes me happy when I see others doing it.